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How to Design Your Kitchen in an Authentic French Style

As someone who has a great love for everything French, I can proudly say that I recently redecorated my kitchen and turned it into the French style oasis I have always wanted it to be. But how does French style look like, you're wondering? Well, it has lots of whitewashed pieces, many candles and lanterns, linen towels, silver trays, some antique-looking items, and cute white lace. Today, this look is also known as French Provincial or Shabby Chic. In today's article, we'll explore some of the authentic basics of a French-style inspired kitchen. 


Moderation Is Key

At the center of French style lies moderation, so yes, clean and simple lines are what you should be looking for when choosing your French style dining room furniture. Go with a deliberate design that aims to be special but in a subtle and discreet way. The secret is - it has to look effortless although you and I know how much thought you've put into choosing and buying it. Keep things minimal - choose a simple colour palette and a few carefully picked accessories that will make your kitchen clean-looking and tidy.

It's All About Harmony

Most French people find ostentatious finishes tasteless and vulgar, while harmony and restraint contribute to elegance and beauty. This doesn't mean that French people don't like luxury, it's just that they don't like it when items scream "Look at me, look at me!" Regardless of their high price tags, they would be still considered tacky. Good designs and practical, innovative, beautiful and efficient items are what this style is all about. So yes, everything that you have in your kitchen needs to look gorgeous or play a certain role  - preferably both. 

Embraces Neutrals 

When it comes to colours, French style embraces the same principles of subtlety and it revolves around neutrals - gray, beige, light blue, brown, sage, taupe, black and white are the most common basis of French style interiors. So when choosing your French style dining room furniture, make sure to get your pieces in some of these colours as to not disturb the overall ambiance. If there are patterns, they are usually very discreet and usually come from structural or architectural details and not from textiles and housewares. 

Doesn't Shy Away from Colour Either

When they want to opt for a colour, the French usually embrace vibrant and bold hues that will make a statement. But the thing is that they do it moderately - they don't use more than two hues of the same family in a room. They use colour as a way to maximize their space - to define zones in an apartment or to create harmony. 
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